There are many professional transportation companies around the globe. Each company claims to be the best in the industry, which can make choosing one seem a lot more complicated than it should be. Not all transportation companies are created equally, though. Some of these companies only specialize in specific types of transport services. So, how do you know if you are choosing the right company to help with your company’s oilfield equipment shipping?
What Should You Look For In A Transport Company?
Different types of equipment require different types of transport. You wouldn’t call a residential moving company to transport a fleet of forklifts, or an auto transporter to pack up your house for you. The only time these scenarios would be feasible is if the transport company offered multiple transport and moving solutions. Otherwise, you are wasting your time and the company’s time obtaining a quote. The hardest part of your oilfield equipment transport experience should be researching to find the right company, not the actual transport itself.
Look For A Transport Company That Fulfills Your Needs
When scouting the right transport company to help haul your oilfield equipment, it is essential to look at the services offered. For oilfield equipment, you need a transport company that knows how to handle heavy equipment transport. They should also have the trailers and other equipment available to make transporting your equipment as stress-free as possible.
Oilfield equipment is heavy and often oddly shaped. When transport of this kind is necessary, permits are required. Choosing a transportation company that understands the rules of hauling heavy or oversized loads offers an advantage, thanks to their experiences.
Is The Transportation Company Trustworthy?
Trustworthiness says a lot about how a transportation company operates. Trust is something that takes time to build, but there are a lot of things that can clue you in when you are just beginning to talk to a transport company about the job you need to have done. You can look at the background, reviews, and company information to see the level of trustworthiness that is offered.
Look at these factors:
• How long has the company been in business?
o Professional transport companies that have a long relationship with their community or in the industry shows dedication. You want the company you choose to be dedicated to the job they do and not just the potential to earn money from a job.
• How was the quoting process?
o You can tell a lot by getting a quote from a transportation company. If the representative seems eager to answer your questions and help you out, that is a good sign. Complete transparency about possible fees is also a must. The last thing you need when transporting your oilfield equipment is hidden charges.
• What kind of licensing and certifications does the company have?
o Transportation companies are required to have licensing and certifications to be legal on the roadways. You can gain a lot of information when you ask the company for their United States Department of Transportation (USDOT) and Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) motor carrier numbers. Records are kept on inspections and incidents for all vehicles legally on the roadways.
o Other certifications can be obtained for transport companies and their drivers. Another place to check the company out is through the Better Business Bureau. You will find a grade for the company as well as disputes that have been filed against them and how it was handled.
How Was The Customer Service and Communication?
Like any relationship, the key to survival is the ability to communicate effectively. Without communication, your transport experience will not be pleasant. The best professional transport companies will keep you informed with the process of transporting your oilfield equipment.
Any interactions you have with the company, even if it is just a quote, should be natural and not forced. You will be able to tell if the company is not right for you based on how a simple conversation about a transport quote goes.
How Do You Know That The Price Is Right?
Like most shipping services, the size and weight play a significant role in the price you pay for your oilfield equipment’s transport. You should make sure you get several quotes from different heavy equipment transport companies.
Pricing should be close in range for all the companies you talk to. If you get an extremely low quote, you may want to steer clear or question the legitimacy. The same applies to any outrageously high prices.
Once you have an idea of the pricing, choosing a company is left to which you felt most comfortable with. The safety of the equipment during transport should be a priority for the company, just as much as it is for you. When you choose the right company, your oilfield equipment will arrive at the site