White MW 64 Natural Gas Compressor Components


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White MW 64 Natural Gas Compressor Components

AllSurplus is an Online Auction for Commercial Surplus

QAL# 18321-147

Auction Ends 4/25/23

To see full details, additional photos and current bid, please use this link – https://allsurplus.bid/3L9iYC8

(1) 9 1/2″ White Compressor Piston with 2 1/4″ Rod. Clean Piston, inspect Rod for straightness and wear, Polish, Install Rings, Weigh and Stamp. (4) 9 1/2″ x .401 1pc A/C CFT Ring Rider Piston Rings . (1) 15 3/4″ White Compressor Piston with (NEW) 2 1/4″ Rod . Clean Piston, Inspect, Machine Invar Collar Area and Reset Crush. Assemble new Rod with Piston, Torque nut , Setscrew, Check assembly for straightness, Polish, Install Rings, Weigh and Stamp. (1) 15 3/4″ x 2″ 1pc , B/C CFT Rider Band with Relief Grooves. (2) 15 3/4″ x 5/8″ 1pc B/C CFT Piston Rings . (1) 23″ White Compressor Piston with 2 1/4″ Rod. Clean Piston, Inspect, Check Rod for wear mad straightness, Polish, Install Rings, Weigh and Stamp. (1) 23.031 x 1 3/4″ 1pc B/C CFT Rider Band with Relief Grooves, (2) 23.031 x 5/8″ 1pc B/C CFT Piston Rings with Wire Embedded Expanders. (1) 26 1/2″ White Compressor Piston with (NEW) 2 1/4″ Rod. Clean Piston, Inspect, Machine Groove oversize to True Up , Re-Anodize Piston . Assemble new Rod with Piston , Torque Nut, Setscrew, Check Assembly for Straightness, Polish, Install Rings, Weigh and Stamp. (1) 26 1/2″ x 3.918″ 1pc B/C CFT Rider Band with Relief Grooves . (2) 26 1/2″ x 1.047″ 1pc S/C CFT Piston Rings with 1/4″ Round Wire Embedded Expanders. (4) MW 64 White Connecting Rods : Clean, Inspect, Check Bushing Eyes, Torque Caps, Journal Eyes. Loosen Bolts Check for Straightness, Re-bush (3 3/4″Connecting Rod Bushing). (4) 10 1/2″ White Crossheads, Two Heavy, Two Standard. Clean, Inspect, Remove Shoes. Install Shims, Torque Bolts , Machine to Standard, Clean, Weigh and Stamp. (4) 3 3/4″ White Crosshead Wrist Pins with Bolts and Retainer Plates. Polished and Inspected. (4) 2 1/4″ White Seven Groove Packing Cases . Reconditioned and Repack . (4) White Wiper Cases. Reconditioned and Repacked. (1) 9 1/2″ White Compressor Cylinder Outer Head with 6 1/4″ Pocket Piston. Bore 9 1/2″ Pocket, Reline, Hone to Standard. New 1 1/2″ VV Stem on 6 1/4″ Pocket Piston. (2) 6 1/4″ X 1/4″ S/C CFT Unloader Piston Rings with 1/16″ Round Wire Embedded Expanders. (1) 15 3/4″ White Compressor Cylinder Outer Head with 12 1/2″ VV Pocket Piston . Bore 15 3/4″ Pocket, Reline, Hone to Standard .Clean, Inspect, Reassemble. (1) 12 1/2″ x 3/8″ 1pc S/C CFT Piston Ring with 1/8″ Round Wire Embedded Expander. Adjusting Sleeve. (1) 23″ White Compressor Cylinder Outer Head with 20″ VV Pocket. Bore 23″ Pocket, Reline, Hone to Standard. 20.026″ x 1/2″ 1pc S/C CFT Unloader Piston Ring with 3/16″ Round Wire Embedded Expander.

**AllSurplus.com is the online auction website where you can bid on and buy commercial assets.

August 7, 2023 9:51 pm

418 days, 17 hours

Listing ID 568643e8ec5b482d 696 total views, 3 today