Used Mud Strippers For Sale | 40040502


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Used Mud Strippers For Sale | 40040502

 Name: Used Mud Strippers
Code: 40040502
Type: Standard
Brand: QMax
Category: Mud Equipment
subcategory: Mud Systems
Price: $50,000.00
Unit: Each
In Stock: Yes
Location: Midland, TX
Condition: Excellent
Available Quantity: 26
Used Mud Strippers
MUDSTRIPPER is at the forefront of innovative water conservation technology. This proven technology recycles and reduces water used in drilling by as much as 75%, resulting in significant cost savings to the customer in water and brine usage and transport, as well as lower environmental impact.

Rig shaker discharges drilling fluid & cuttings into the shale slough

Fluid fills the receiving tank where polymers are injected

Fluid dynamics of the Mud Stripper allow the solid particles to flocculate and settle to the bottom of the clarifier

The clarified water is recycled back to the rig or stored for future use

The solids are forced down and collected at the bottom of the clarifier

The solids are then discharged

Used Mud Strippers for Sale
– Cut water consumption and water costs for drilling
– Reduce water trucking costs
– Reduce sump size
– Eliminate the need for surface flock tanks
– Recycle water from well to well

January 1, 2023 4:48 pm

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