(B2257) Unused Siemens 15776 HP, 11764 kVa Generator


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(B2257) Unused Siemens 15776 HP, 11764 kVa Generator

Unused Siemens 15776 HP, 11764 kVa Generator
Manufacturer: Siemens
Type: Generator End
Model: 1DY1540-5AJ02-Z
Year: 2011
Condition: Unused
Description: Three-Phase Synchronous Generator with Salient Pole Rotor (Solid Pole)
Type: 1DY1540-5AJ02-Z
Driven by: Steam Turbine
Type: Dr. Mach.
Shaft power: 10256 kW
Standard: NEMA, API 546
Rotation: Clockwise
Excitation: Brushless
Type: Exc. Mach. 1JG3300-7_06-Z
Cooling System: IC01
Ventilation System: bilateral
Type of Fan: 2AX881-22
Operating Data
Output: 11764 kVA
Voltage: 4160V
Frequency: 60 Hz
Power Factor: 0.85
Duty Type: S1

September 13, 2023 1:50 am

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