Disposal Well For Sale in Windham Twp, Portage County, Ohio

Disposal Well For Sale in Windham Twp, Portage County, Ohio
Newburg well with room for more wells
Location S.R. 82 Windham Twp, Portage County, Ohio
Unloading Pad , Tank Battery, Containment , 36 x 36 Pump House
Unload Pad
32 x 40 w/ 2 steel filter baskets
Tank Battery
28ft x 80ft x 3ft
Steel Containment
Geotextile Spray Poly Liner
4″ SDR 11 Plastic Lines
8 – 400bbl steel tank
1 – 210bbl steel tanks
Lightening Protection
36/ft x 36/ft Pump House and Office
4″ poly inlet and 2″ steel outlet
8 5/8″ Casing set @ 3696 ,cemented up to 2150/ft (1546/ft of cement)
5 1/2″ Tubing set @3668 on Parmco (8 5/8″ x 5 1/2″ 8R) Packer
Well TD @ 4107 (411 open hole disposal)
Filtration Unit
Peerless Model 8196STP , 1 1/2″ X 3″ suction centrifugal pump
10hp 3600RPM, TEFC electric motor , 3/60/230-460
2 CSD Model Bag Filters
Nowata 15 Cartridge type filter vessel
Duplex Motor Starter Panel w/ Murphy Tank Switch Gauges
Pump Unit
NOV Model 133T-4M horizontal triplex plunger pump
100hp , 1200rpm , TEFC electric 3 phase, 60 hertz, 460 volts
100hp VFD
Downhole Pressure Recorder
Excellent disposal well with 1200-1500 bbls per day.