Bucyrus Erie 22W Series III For Sale serial number 139xxx


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Bucyrus Erie 22W Series III For Sale serial number 139xxx

Bucyrus Erie 22W Series III
Sn # 139xxx with the following:

6 cylinder Continental Red Seal gas engine with electric fuel pump

Good spudding pinion

2 almost new solid heel and beam sheave

Approximately 1,000 feet of 3/4 inch drill line

Approximately 1,000 feet of 3/8 inch sand line

Hydraulic slack shoe holder
Rig is guarded

4 hydraulic jacks , right rear jack is a new one . One extra hydraulic port .

Hydraulic raising derrick hoist

Truck is a :
1990 Topkick
3208 Cat diesel

Duel fuel tanks , one for the truck, one for the deck engine , good tires

Located in Washington state


May 6, 2022 8:48 am

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