72″ x 20′ 3 Phase Separator 500 PSI


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72" x 20' 3 Phase Separator 500 PSI

Vessel Size: 72″ x 20′
Max Vessel Pressure:500 psi
Max Scrubber Pressure 500 psi
Oil Outlet: 3″ with Coriolis and MC3 Turbine
Water Outlet: 3″ with Mag Meter and MC3 Turbine
Gas Outlet: 3″ with by passable Junior Daniels and MVS Metering and Scanner 2000
Skid / Trailer Mount: Self Contained Spill Proof Skid Mounted
Additional Info: Dual Internal offset calming baffles, Dual Internal Sand Dams, (3) Internal Outlet Vortex Breakers, 4″ Mist Extractor, Self-Dumping Fuel Gas Scrubber, (1) 24″ Man way, (2) 1502 x 4″ inspection Ports, FB107 Control System, Radio Communication, Self-Contained Battery Power Back Up, Skid has Spill Proof Containment.

January 26, 2023 4:48 pm

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